
Upcoming Events
September 2024
Spend the Night presents...

Ages 21 and up
Doors: 9pm
October 2024
Monqui Presents

All Ages
Doors: 7pm
Mon, Sept 09
Monqui Presents

All Ages
Doors: 7pm
Wed, Sept 11

Ages 21 and up
Doors: 7pm
Sat, Sept 14
Club Blush presents...

Ages 21 and up
Doors: 9pm
$0 to $15
Sun, Sept 15

Ages 21 and up
Doors: 8pm
Wed, Sept 18
What the Dance

Ages 21 and up
Doors: 9pm
Thu, Sept 19
Spend the Night presents...

Ages 21 and up
Doors: 9pm
Wed, Sept 25

Ages 21 and up
Doors: 8pm
Fri, Sept 27
Spend the Night presents...

Ages 21 and up
Doors: 9pm
Sat, Sept 28
Monqui Presents

All Ages
Doors: 5pm
Wed, Oct 02

Ages 21 and up
Doors: 8pm
Wed, Oct 09
Monqui Presents

All Ages
Doors: 7pm

Listen to Who's Coming Up

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